Dhoom again and run away with me.....
..on a roIIercoaster ride.
Dhoom again and see your wilges t dreams..
slowiy come alive.
DHOOM again
we got to break the rules
.. and party all the time.
Dhoom again we got to steal the show.
you know tnats not a crime.
so steal all that you can..
the magic you began.
lets shout break out.
come on once again iear hear it
dhoom machale (lets rock)
once more come on yau people
DHOOm machale DHOOm machale DHOOm machale DHOOm (lets rock)
DHOOm machale DHOOm machale DHOOm machale DHOOm (lets rock)
DHOOM Again and feel the beat of the rhythm
rhythm of the night.
dhoom again and hear the voices calling.
creatures of the night.
dhoom again
and see the shadows dancing..
in the ciesr moonlight.
dhoom again and fee you heart beat pumping.
now the time is right.
so come walk out the door.
get down get on the fioor.
lets shout break out.
come on once again iets hear it!
dhoom machale
dhoom machale dhoom machale dhoom machale
once again !
dhoom machale dhoom machale dhoom machale dhoom
come on once again!
dhoom machale